Art & Poetry in Medicine
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A Tale of Two Worlds

It was the most joyful of times.
It was the most horrific of times.
A week before my first child was born,
an act of terror occurred on the other side of the world.
And ever since that terrible day, violence has steadily escalated.
My family has grown, while others are decimated.
I celebrate with my son, as he grows and showers us with smiles;
others search for their children amongst the rubble piles.
I hope and pray for my child to sleep through the night;
others beg for their child to wake up with all of their might.
I remember my son’s birth and the pain that nearly broke me
and think of the mothers in labor as they also try to flee.
As a new mother and pediatrician,
I feel I must make clear my position.
All children deserve a chance to grow up in peace,
and for that to happen, the bombings must cease.
No one should die while waving a white flag.
Hospitals and schools should not be under attack.
Where has our humanity gone
to allow such violence to continue on?
How can I live in comfort on my side of the world,
while innocent families are being slaughtered?
Raise your voice, donate, do whatever you can.
We cannot be complacent or bury our heads in the sand.
My world is their world; we are all part of the human race,
and the value of each soul is of equal weight.

Melissa Huddleston, MD Melissa Huddleston, MD (4 Posts)

Contributing Writer

University of Florida

Melissa went to medical school at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso. She is currently a PGY-1 at the University of Florida Pediatrics Residency Program. She is not quite sure where she will end up after residency but has thought a lot about pursuing fellowship training in infectious disease. In her spare time, Melissa enjoys going to local parks and farmer’s markets with her husband and baby. She also enjoys reading sci-fi, writing letters to her awesome pen pal (her 8-year-old nephew), and Facetiming friends and family.