This manuscript was submitted to the April 2019 Arts in Medicine theme issue.
I seize.
With emotion, not motor.
Under fluorescent lights.
Eyes look to me to save
Bring to new heights
A cure, a treatment, a plan.
Disease doesn’t give a damn.
Time well spent
Or sometimes lost.
Synapses fire. Erratic.
A flood of thoughts,
Attempting to organize
But seize instead.
Carpe diem.
Image source: Brain Anatomy Hoop Art by Hey Paul Studios licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Jennifer Evan, MD (1 Posts)Resident Physician Contributing Writer
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Originally from the Midwest (think cornfields and windy city), I currently reside in Baltimore (where it’s mostly oysters, Old Bay, and rain) and where I am a third year resident in Neurology at Johns Hopkins. I was a liberal studies major in college at Purdue, where my interests took me from philosophy to physics, and ancient civilizations to the arts. Now as I approach the end of my penultimate year in residency, I often reflect on the long journey that has brought me to where I am, much of which comes from experiences and patients that have influenced me. My interests include travel, hiking, the French language, landscape painting, gardening, and dabbling in the culinary arts, both with cooking and trying new restaurants and eclectic cuisines. I look forward to my final year of training and am excited to be moving out west for my upcoming fellowship in Headache Medicine at the University of Colorado.