
Dustin Holland, MD, MPH Dustin Holland, MD, MPH (3 Posts)

Resident Physician Contributing Writer

Indiana University School of Medicine

Dustin is a PGY-3 emergency medicine resident at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

24 Weeks

Back in that operating room, I am dutifully holding onto the basin just beyond and under the table edge. What I see is what the mother would never wish to see; being a part of her care, we accept that burden for her, and in a much different way that she ever could from her intimate connection with it. It is our service to her, to alleviate that pain, to be an open support to her health and well-being. It is an acceptable cost, but a cost all the same.

Dale Terasaki, MD, MPH Dale Terasaki, MD, MPH (1 Posts)

Resident Physician Contributing Writer

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Dale is a resident physician in the internal medicine primary care track at the University of Colorado. He grew up in the Seattle area and received his medical degree and MPH at the University of Washington.