Daryl McLaren, MD (1 Posts)Resident Physician Contributing Writer
Allegheny General Hospital
Daryl McLaren is a emergency medicine resident at Allegheny General Hospital, a Level 1 Trauma Center located along the Northside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, Daryl trained at the University of Utah School of Medicine after earning an undergraduate degree in English. He recently matched at the University of Utah's Global Health Fellowship and will be pursuing his interest in global medicine during the 2018-2019 academic year. Additional interests include a voracious appetite for Stephen King novels, mountain biking, trail running, poetry, coffee, film, making music and his 4 year old daughter, Phoebe Marie.
Another night in the emergency department in Pittsburgh’s Northside: busy, loud and chaotic. Paramedics pulled patients on stretchers and nurses pushed patients in wheelchairs through the corridors.
The grass grows tall outside my uncle’s home — he only cuts it when we play croquet. He blazes a crisscrossing trail through the sea of weeds to form a maze-like playing field. We push the white wickets into the earth, grab the mallets, and drop the balls to the ground.
Matt Lorenz, MD (1 Posts)Resident Physician Contributing Writer
Brown University
Matt is an internal medicine-pediatrics resident at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. A former teacher in Spain, he is passionate about issues related to global health and medical education. He grew up in Tennessee, but his adopted home lies in Andalucía.