
Daniel Pepe, MD Daniel Pepe, MD (1 Posts)

Resident Physician Contributing Writer

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Daniel Pepe, MD is a family medicine resident at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.

Skip the Jargon and Talk to Your Patient

I remember ranting to a friend one night about the terminology, lingo and semantics that run through medicine. When I started studying medicine, I found the language fascinating. Most physicians seem to appreciate the language of medicine because truly understanding it is proof that after years of studying, working, and putting nose to grindstone, you made it in to the exclusive club that utilizes this jargon.

On The Other Side: Resident Physician as Patient

It really doesn’t take much to remind you just how human you are. I utilize the adjective “human” because most believe, both inside and outside of the confines of the medical community, that physicians are entitled and even expected to behave in somewhat robotic ways, with the long hours and constant absorption and dispensation of medical knowledge that often comes with performing the job and doing so well.

Jarna Shah, MD Jarna Shah, MD (3 Posts)

Editor-in-Chief Emeritus (2016-2019)

University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital

Jarna Shah is a third year anesthesiology resident at University of Illinois at Chicago. She has been an editor with in-Training since 2012. In her free time, she bakes ridiculous desserts, practices martial arts, and writes novels every November.